
Given an input file with replicate IDs, one per line, retrieves the attributes biological_replicate_number and technical_replicate_number. An output file is created in tab-delimited format with these two additional columns appended to the original lines.

usage: [-h] [-m DCC_MODE] -i INFILE -o OUTFILE

Named Arguments

-m, --dcc-mode
The ENCODE Portal site (‘prod’ or ‘dev’, or an explicit host name, i.e. ‘’) to connect to.
-i, --infile
Input file containing replicate identifiers (one per line), i.e. alias, UUID, or @id. Empty lines and lines starting with ‘#’ will be skipped.
-o, --outfile
The tab-delimited output file, which is the same as the input file except for the addition of the additional columns ‘biological_replicate_number’ and ‘technical_replicate_number’ (header-line not present).