
Creates a Google Storage Transfer Service URL list file, which can be used as input into the Google STS to transfer released ENCODE S3 files to your GCP buckets.

usage: [-h] [-m DCC_MODE]
                                 (-f FILE_IDS [FILE_IDS ...] | -i INFILE) -o

Named Arguments

-m, --dcc-mode
The ENCODE Portal site (‘prod’ or ‘dev’, or an explicit host name, i.e. ‘’) to connect to.
-f, --file-ids
An alternative to –infile, one or more ENCODE file identifiers. Don’t mix ENCODE files from across buckets.
-i, --infile
An alternative to –file-ids, the path to a file containing one or more file identifiers, one per line. Empty lines and lines starting with a ‘#’ are skipped.
-o, --outfile
The output URL list file name.