Transferring files to GCP

Encapsulates working with the Google Storage Transfer Service (STS) to transfer files to GCP from either list of public URLs, or from a list of AWS S3 URIs. The latter requires that the user has AWS keys with permissions granted to the source S3 bucket and objects.

The Google Storage Transfer API documentation for Python is available here for more details. This package exports a few ways for interfacing with this logic.

  1. A module named encode_utils.transfer_to_gcp that defines the Transfer class, which provides the ability to transfer files from an S3 bucket (even non-ENCODE S3 buckets) to a GCP bucket. It does so by creating what the STS calls a transferJob. A transferJob can also be created by passing in a URL list, which is a public file accessible through HTTP/S; GCS details at
  2. The encode_utils.connection.Connection class has a method named encode_utils.connection.Connection.gcp_transfer_from_aws() that uses the above module and is specific towards working with ENCODE files. Note: this requires AWS keys. If you simply want to copy released ENCODE files, you should When using this method, you don’t need to specify the S3 bucket or full path of an S3 object to transfer. All you need to do is specify an ENCODE file identifier, such as an accession or alias, and it will figure out the bucket and path to the file in the bucket for you.
  3. The method encode_utils.connection.Connection.gcp_transfer_from_urllist(), which doesn’t require AWS keys since it only works with released ENCODE files. This method just creates the file that can be used directly as input to the Google Storage Transfer Service in the Google Console, or programatically to the method encode_utils.transfer_to_gcp.Transfer.from_urllist().
  4. The script can be used, which calls the aforementioned method gcp_transfer_from_aws method, to transfer one or more ENCODE files to GCP. Requires AWS keys.

The Transfer class

Create a one-off transferJob that executes immediately

This example is not ENCODE specific.

import encode_utils.transfer_to_gcp as gcp

transfer = gcp.Transfer(gcp_project="sigma-night-206802")

The encode_utils.transfer_to_gcp.Transfer.from_s3() method is used to create what the STS calls a transferJob. A transferJob either runs once (a one-off job) or is scheduled to run repeatedly, depending on how the job schedule is specified. However, the from_s3 method shown below only schedules one-off jobs at present:

transfer_job = transfer.from_s3(s3_bucket="pulsar-encode-assets", s3_paths=["reads.fastq.gz"], gcp_bucket="nathankw1", description="test")

# At this point you can log into the GCP Consle for a visual look at your transferJob.
transfer_job_id = transfer_job["name"]
print(transfer_job_id) # Looks sth. like "transferJobs/10467364435665373026".

# Get the status of the execution of a transferJob. An execution of a transferJob is called
# a transferOperation in the STS lingo:
status = gcp.get_transfer_status(transfer_job_id)
print(status) # i.e. "SUCCESS". Other possabilities: IN_PROGRESS, PAUSED, FAILED, ABORTED.

# Get details of the actual transferOperation.
# The "details" variable below is a list of transferOperations. Since we created a one-off job,
# there will only be a single transferOperation.
details = transfer.get_transfers_from_job(transfer_job_id)[0]
>>> print(json.dumps(d, indent=4))
#  {
#      "name": "transferOperations/transferJobs-10467364435665373026-1532468269728367",
#      "metadata": {
#          "@type": "",
#          "name": "transferOperations/transferJobs-10467364435665373026-1532468269728367",
#          "projectId": "sigma-night-206802",
#          "transferSpec": {
#              "awsS3DataSource": {
#                  "bucketName": "pulsar-encode-assets"
#              },
#              "gcsDataSink": {
#                  "bucketName": "nathankw1"
#              },
#              "objectConditions": {
#                  "includePrefixes": [
#                      "cat.png"
#                  ]
#              }
#          },
#          "startTime": "2018-07-24T21:37:49.745522946Z",
#          "endTime": "2018-07-24T21:38:10.477273750Z",
#          "status": "SUCCESS",
#          "counters": {
#              "objectsFoundFromSource": "1",
#              "bytesFoundFromSource": "80376",
#              "objectsCopiedToSink": "1",
#              "bytesCopiedToSink": "80376"
#          },
#          "transferJobName": "transferJobs/10467364435665373026"
#      },
#      "done": true,
#      "response": {
#          "@type": ""
#      }
#  }

The gcp_transfer_from_aws() method of the encode_utils.connection.Connection class

Requires that the user has AWS key permissions on the ENCODE buckets and file objects.

import encode_utils.connection as euc
conn = euc.Connection("prod")
# In production mode, the S3 source bucket is set to encode-files. In any other mode, the
# bucket is set to encoded-files-dev.

transfer_job = conn.gcp_transfer_from_aws(
    file_ids=["ENCFF270SAL", "ENCFF861EEE"],

Copying files using a URL list

No AWS keys required, but all files being copied must have a status of released.

import encode_utils.transfer_to_gcp as gcp
import encode_utils.connection as euc
conn = euc.Connection("prod")
# Create URL list file
url_file = conn.gcp_transfer_urllist(

# Upload files_to_transfer.txt to your GCS bucket, or some other public place accessible via HTTP/S.
# Suggested to use a txt extension for your file rathar than tsv so that it can be opened in the
# browser (i.e. in GCP to obtain the URL).

transfer = gcp.Transfer(gcp_project="sigma-night-206802")
transfer_job = transfer.from_urllist(

Running the script

Requires that the user has AWS key permissions on the ENCODE buckets and file objects. --dcc-mode prod \
                --file-ids ENCFF270SAL ENCFF861EEE \
                --gcpbucket nathankw1 \
                --gcpproject sigma-night-206802 \
                --description test