
Given an ENCODE experiment identifier, Prints the FASTQ ENCFF identifiers for the specified replicate and technical replicates, or all replicates. Also prints the replicate numbers. For each FASTQ identifer, the following is printed to stdout:


where variables are defined as:

$BioNum - the biological repliate number $TechNum - the technial replicate number $ReadNum - ‘1’ for a forwards reads FASTQ file, and ‘2’ for a reverse reads FASTQ file.

usage: [-h] [-m DCC_MODE] -e EXP_ID
                                        [-b BIO_REP_NUM] [-t TECH_REP_NUM]

Named Arguments

-m, --dcc-mode
The ENCODE Portal site (‘prod’ or ‘dev’, or an explicit host name, i.e. ‘’) to connect to.
-e, --exp-id
The experiment to which the replicates belong. Must be set if –all-reps is absent.
-b, --bio-rep-num
Print FASTQ ENCFFs for this specified biological replicate number.
-t, --tech-rep-num
Print FASTQ ENCFFs for the specified technical replicate number of the specified biological replicate.