Generates upload credentials for one or more File records on the ENCODE Portal. The upload credentials store AWS authorization tokens to allow a user to upload a file to a presigned S3 URL.

The Exception requests.exceptions.HTTPError will be raised if the response from the server a not a successful status code for any File object when attempting to generate the upload credentials, and will utlimately halt the program with an error message.

usage: [-h] [-m DCC_MODE]
                                   (-f FILE_IDS [FILE_IDS ...] | -i INFILE)

Named Arguments

-m, --dcc-mode
The ENCODE Portal site (‘prod’ or ‘dev’, or an explicit host name, i.e. ‘’) to connect to.
-f, --file-ids
One or more ENCODE File identifiers. They can be any valid ENCODE File object identifier, i.e. alias, uuid, accession, md5sum.

Default: []

-i, --infile
Input file containing File object identifiers, one
per line.